Vector graphics by Cuttashears
Illustrations and 3d renders by Tammasun
Some other illustrations and all cover arts by me
So far theres only two characters behind the brand, maybe this might change in the future, perhaps not. I have no interest in adding any more at the moment but I'm completely open to the idea. Heres some more information about them if you're interested!

Kai Artikkas
- Cybernetic dragon
- 7ft
- Half machine
- Kind, compassionate, generous
- he/him
Kai is a furred dragon-like creature that comes from a futuristic world where music runs the world, everything creates sound, such as everyday like doors or cars to commercial industrial equipment. Sound is everywhere and everything creates a musical ensemble. He is kind and laidback has a positive attidute to most things, he likes to meditate or play games or tinker around with stuff in his free time. He is a nomad exploring the world for more beautiful sights and sounds. His previous job was to be part of a spaceship salvage team, to reclaim valuable components from ships in orbit around the planet. His favorite food is noodles and he can't taste spicyness.

- Synth robot doggo
- Pretty stupid and erratic
- he/it/him/they
Unix is the companion to Kai built from a bunch of random spacetech technology during his time at his previous job. The original purpose of this drone was to tug light loose scrap from space but now it serves as a musical companion for Kai along his adventures. The overall size is that of a small bike. It is very lightweight and fast. Unix is like an erratic dog with lots of emotion and character but also pretty dumb. Kai spends a good portion of his time just fixing unix because of short circuits or physical damage. Kai likes unix's company despite it being such a troublemaker and breaking so often.